To Be Chosen is a Great Responsibility
I am a firm believer in art choosing its vehicle of an artist. When it is at it’s purest form, it’s a relationship between the life and living of the vehicle (human artist) and the art that wishes to be expressed. With this in mind, it makes sense to me that there are lulls in the creative process; moments where you are not creating. Some call it blocks.
Writers block, painters block… whatever block, I’ve never believed in them. I believed you can continue going through whatever it is you are trying to say or express. Sometimes just being in the action of the doing and not giving a damn what you create is how things become freer, become more second nature.
However, as I walked down the block on this rather beautiful January day, I thought to myself, “hmm, I haven’t written in a while, that’s not a bad thing.” And I no longer think it is a bad thing, or something I need to overcorrect. Maybe, what it actually means is that it’s time to finish what it is we’ve started in order to see that piece of work through to fruition. Great, you’ve created something, but how will you share it? That might not be the most creative work, but it’s work that must be done in order to make the creation see outside of just your paper or walls or whatever other media it travels on. (Not to say you can’t just create for creating sake, but this is more for the person who wants to make it available for others to experience).
All this to say, create! But finish the work! Live and let yourself be the best vehicle for that art to manifest itself, but, for the sake of the art, see it through!
Jeanette B.